The 393rd meeting of the NY Comics & Picture-story Symposium will be held on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 7 pm ET. ONLINE PRESENTATION VIA ZOOM. Please email to register for this event. Free and open to the public. 

Séverine Bascouert on Lagon Revue: From Comics to Exhibition / De la bande dessinée à l’exposition

The avant-garde French comics anthology LAGON celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2024. To mark the occasion, three exhibitions will be held in Europe: in Paris, France; Luzern, Switzerland; and Berlin, Germany. In conversation with Bill Kartalopoulos, LAGON editorial team member Séverine Bascouert will outline the aesthetic concerns that animate the publication and discuss solutions arrived at in the effort to translate Lagon’s ethos from the context of book publication to the gallery space. 

Séverine Bascouert is a printer, artist and editor. Fifteen years ago she founded L’institut Sérigraphique, a silkscreen printing studio located in Paris. Together with Sammy Stein, Jean-Philippe Bretin and Gaspard Laurent she edits and publishes the comics anthology LAGON, an ongoing project which constantly seeks new ways to edit and print comics narratives. In the latest issue of LAGON, titled PLAINE, she silkscreened gouache paintings by Jin Angdoo that appear on both the cover and in the center of the volume. Her work across projects and media engages a constant reflection on the making and the form of the book.